It is only a To Do List, but you would think Mount Kilimanjaro lies before me.

The weather is beautiful, and I have no appointments, no aches nor pains, and no excuses. It is just that I don’t want to do anything on the list. I have already managed to while away several hours doing nothing, so I suppose I should go tidy the garden, reorganize a drawer, repair my summer frock, take a walk, paint some spontaneous something, or finish writing this random thought.

Or perhaps, since I am so comfortably ensconced, I could do some research to discover if I am using Mount Kilimanjaro correctly as an analogy. Or if I am using an analogy at all, but instead have employed a metaphor? Or perhaps the reference shouldn’t be Kilimanjaro, but Olympus … After all the Olympics are starting soon. But then again that reference would run up against all those super motivated athletes, and none of them are likely to leave things undone. Just the thought of all that ambitious competition wears me out. Isn’t there something like a literary reference to an impossibly high mountain? Like … what is the opposite of the Slough of Despond?

Oops! Would you look at that! It turns out I’ve successfully wasted the rest of my day waffling about, writing this post about doing nothing. It is always a pleasure to spend an afternoon with you all, but it is time to draw a quick sketch before posting this. You know, so I can say I accomplished something today.

4 Replies to “TO DO LIST”

  1. We are in the midst of yet another summer storm. It happens here all the time during June, July, August. There is also periodic thunder and lightning. So, then, perhaps something indoors would be good. Book or movie? Write a letter? Clean something? We used to take trips in the summer. Thank goodness we have solid plans to travel next summer with old friends. Anyhow, it is somewhat reassuring that we all experience these lulls. We have a luncheon engagement with a friend tomorrow. So, expectation is good. I will leave it at that. Anyhow, nice to hear from you and we hope that you are doing well.

  2. “We are continually confronted with insurmountable opportunities.” -Pogo, The Great Philosophizer

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